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Skrbno z gozdom, v dobro narave in ljudi

Točke v drugih državah

Evropska biomasna pot / European wood energy road

Evropska biomasna pot je pomemben element v razvoju biomasnega sektorja in predstavlja primer uspešnega mednarodnega sodelovanja. Omogoča enostavno predstavitev lesa kot modernega in, okolju prijaznega energenta, ki ima lahko številne pozitivne vplive na regionalni razvoj.

The European Wood Energy Road is a development and communication tool, as well as a successful example of international cooperation. It allows to show in a simple way that wood heating is definitely modern, comfortable and that it encourages the local economic development with respect of the environment.

Ideja Evropske biomasne pot je bila razvita v okviru programa INTERREG II in Altener programa Evropske unije. Točke na poti so odprte za javnost. Obiskovalec pa se mora predhodno najaviti upravniku ali lastniku. Na vsaki točki je informacijska tabla in natisnjen letak z vsemi tehničnimi informacijami.

Biomasna pot združuje in prikazuje različne načine kapitalskega povezovanja in vlaganja (zasebna podjetja, javna podjetja, energetsko pogodbeništvo), rabo različnih oblik goriva (polena, sekance, pelete, lesne ostanke,…), različne tehnologije pridobivanja in predelave lesne biomase (sekanci, polena, peleti, briketi), različne proizvajalce kotlov in strojev, različne tehnologije rabe biomase (proizvodnja toplote, elektrike, sočasna proizvodnja toplote in elektrike…), različno velike sisteme (od 30 kW do 3000 KW) itd.

The Wood Energy Road was created in the frame of Interreg II and Altener European programmes. The sites can be visited by making an appointment. A panel is installed on each site as well as technical factsheets supply the required information.

The route had been thought up in order to propose to the interested contracting authorities installations different by the supply (public or private forest, wood recovery, saw mill residues), by the wood fuels used (wood chips, barks, sawdust, pellets, firewood logs), by the technologies of fireplaces used (mobile grates, fixed grates, volcano, tunnel burner…), by their power (30 to 3000 kW), by the represented boilers manufacturers, by the contracting authorities of the installations (public or private communities).

Točke Evropske biomasne poti si lahko ogledate na domači strani nevladne organizacije: ITEBE - International association of bioenergy professionels and users