Tasks and activities
Forest management planning:
- elaboration of forest management plans;
- collecting data on the state and development of forests and keeping databases;
- monitoring biological balance in forests;
- giving consent for interventions in the forest and forest space;
- co-operation in open-space planning.
Silviculture and forest protection:
- elaboration of silvicultural plans and plans for forest fire protection;
- determination of necessary silvicultural and protection work in forests;
- marking trees for felling in co-operation with forest owners;
- realisation of sanitary projects;
- extension for forest owners in connection with financing work in forests from the state budget;
- extension for forest owners in performing silvicultural and protection work;
- providing seedlings and seeds of forest trees for forest regeneration;
- accepting realized works in forests, financed from the state budget or the EU funds.
Forestry technique:
- directing and supervising construction and maintenance of forest roads;
- elaborating and keeping information system for forest roads;
- determination of traffic regime on forest roads in co-operation with forest owners and local communities;
- extension for forest owners for correct and safe work in forests;
- elaboration of technological parts of forest management and silvicultural plans;
- co-operation in introducing new technologies in felling, skidding and transporting wood from forests;
- control of felling sites in forests;
- advising on proper use of wood as an energy source.
Wildlife and hunting:
- elaboration of regional hunting management plans;
- keeping records of kill and losses of wild animals;
- determination of measures to improve living conditions of wild animals;
- monitoring the state of large carnivore populations (brown bear, wolf, lynx);
- management of hunting reserves with a special purpose;
- assessment of damage done by protected animal species.
Public relations and education of forest owners:
- popularization of forests and forestry;
- informing the public about the importance of forests and nature preservation;
- education and training of forest owners;
- co-operation in activities aimed at countryside development;
- developing study circles in the Slovenia Forest Service;
- management and popularization of forest educational, tourist and other theme trails;
- informing the public about forests, forestry and activities of the Slovenia Forest Service.
Other fields:
- expert orientation in letting out work in state forests, supervising the realisation of work and accepting performed works by procuration of the Farmland and Forest Fund of the Republic of Slovenia;
- participating in research work;
- participating in international projects.