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LIFE Awards 2020 - LIFE Citizens' Prize 2020 voting begins

After LIFE DINALP BEAR was nominated for the “LIFE AWARDS 2020” in June, we are happy to announce that LIFE Citizens' Prize 2020 voting among the finalists starts now.

The international project LIFE DINALP BEAR was lead under the leadership of the coordinating partner Slovenia Forest Service and was carried out during 2014-2019.

During this voting campaign, organised by the European Commission, the public can vote for their favourite LIFE projects in the fields of nature protection, environment and climate action. The public will thus choose the winner in the category ‘Citizens’ Prize’ within the LIFE Awards 2020.

The voting period runs till 21st October 2020 through a dedicated website lifeawards.eu. You can give a vote for our project by confirming your vote through a link sent to your email address during the voting process. You can only vote once using a valid email address.

The winner will be announced live during the LIFE Awards 2020 Ceremony in Brussels during the EU Green Week 2020, Europe’s biggest environmental event.

We kindly invite you to vote for LIFE DINALP BEAR and let’s show once again by the best-practice examples that with participatory processes, local-adapted prevention measures and responsible ecotourism, population-level management, conservation and coexistence is achievable goal for all of us and for nature. 

Thank you for your vote and support once again,

LIFE DINALP BEAR project team.

Foto: Carlo Frapporti
Foto: Christine Sonvilla
« Nazaj



The Slovenia Forest Service is a public institution, established by the Republic of Slovenia, which performs public forestry service in all Slovenian forests, irrespective of ownership.

Our tasks and activities are connected with all fields of forest management on the national, regional and local levels: forest management planning, monitoring of forests, silviculture and forest protection, use of forest technologies, construction and maintenance of forest roads, monitoring of wild animal populations, hunting, forestry extension service for forest owners, research work, rural development activities, raising awareness and the education of forest owners, the general public and youth. The Slovenia Forest Service does not perform any felling, extraction, transport and selling of wood, nor forest trade. 

With approximately 730 employees, mostly forestry engineers, the Slovenia Forest Service is the largest forestry institution in Slovenia and a forestry institution of European importance. We operate by the principles of the Slovenian forestry school, planning and monitoring the implementation of sustainable, close-to-nature and multifunctional forest management. Our motto is: “Preservation and close-to-nature development of Slovenian forests and of all their functions for their sustainable and good management and use as well as nature conservation in forest space for the good of present and future generations.”

At the state level, the Slovenia Forest Service is organised with its central unit in Ljubljana, at the regional level in 14 regional units, and at local level into 69 local units and 391 forest districts. SFS also comprises 10 hunting reserves.

The Slovenia Forest Service is currently participating in 15 ongoing international projects. Since our founding, we were a partner or the lead partner in 33 finished projects, among these LIFE+, Interreg and projects by other funding mechanisms.