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250 forestry engineers will be needed at the Slovenia Forest Service within five years

The SFS notes that in the next 5 - 10 years they will be a strong recruiter, significantly larger than the current enrollment in the relevant study programs. At least 250 forestry engineers are expected to be needed within five years. In particular, there will be plenty of opportunities for graduates of the master's degree program in forestry, for which an estimated 100 jobs will be available.

Modern forestry is becoming an increasingly interesting blend of fieldwork and information technology. Different jobs within forestry offer employees a wide range of different work environments and tasks that can be related either to field work in the forest, to high-tech data processing in the office, or to work with forest owners operating in the forest area. Most of the modern forestry professions combine these aspects in one job, but for the more ambitious there is a lot of opportunity to participate in scientific and international projects.

At the Slovenia Forest Service, which currently employs 650 experts, staff plans indicate that in the next 5 to 10 years they will be a strong employer. Due to the existing staff structure, leading positions will soon be available to younger foresters. The Slovenia Forest Service invites quality forestry engineers of all educational levels. They will be offered an attractive work environment in which, with the abundance of challenges, tasks and decisions made, the day passes quickly. Finally, they highlight the positive effects that the forest has on climate and human health, and point out that the forest is still the most beautiful office.

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