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Growing stock, increment and cut

According to the data of forest management plans by the Slovenia Forest Service, the growing stock of Slovenian forests amounts to 355,331,892 cubic metres or 302 cubic metres per hectare. The share of growing stock of  coniferous trees  is 44.90%, of deciduous trees 55.10%. In Slovenian forests  there is an annual increment of 8,800,536 cubic metres of wood or 7.75 cubic metres per hectare.

After the extensive icebreake in 2014, the Slovenian forests were affected by the bark beetles. In recent years the cut in Slovenian forests has totalled form 5,0 to 6,3 million m3 of trees annually, 55-66% of which have been conifers and 34-45% deciduous trees.The cut falls behind the possible one according to forest management plans and it amounts to 70% of it and 40% of current increment.

In 2018 the cut in Slovenian forests has totalled to 6,06 million m3 of trees, 72% of which have been conifers and 36% deciduous trees.